Book & Media Donations
Donations of books and media items are accepted Monday through Saturday during Library business hours. There’s a limit of 25 items per family per day.
Donations must be dropped off inside the Library. Please do not leave donations in the lobby, hallway, or in and around the outside bookdrop. Items must be in excellent condition and meet our guidelines. The Library reserves the right to inspect donations prior to acceptance.
We are unable to accept:
- Items in poor physical condition (e.g. mildewed, moldy, broken spine, missing/yellowed pages, etc.)
- Encyclopedias
- Textbooks
- Reader’s Digest Condensed Books
- Magazines
- VHS Cassettes
- Music Cassettes & Albums
- Unauthorized Copies of Media
Accepted donations may be added to the Library collection, placed in the BookNook, or offered to other agencies. Due to the volume of items received, we cannot be responsible for returning donated items.
Your donations are tax deductible. You can request a receipt at the Circulation Desk at the time you make your donation.